Clone Trooper armor and equiptment is based in part on the battle gear of the Mandalorian "shocktrooper" supercommandos, of whom Jango Fett is a survivior. Fett's light armor inspired the heavy-duty shell completely covering the clone trooper. Replacing the Mandalorian flightsuit is a pressurized black body-glove that protects against acid vapors or even the vaccum of space. The distinctive shocktrooper "T" visor plate is adapted with an enhanced breath filter for optimal operations under the often poor enviornmental conditions of battle. Together with their superb training and conditioning, clone troopers feel virtually invincible with this panoply.
Body Armor
Clone Trooper body armor is made of 20 form-fitting plates of lightweight plastoid-alloy composite. Troopers recieve and send battle status signals via communication equiptment contained in their helmets. Fabricated by an alien species with a limited knowledge of human ergonomics, the armor allows reasonable freedom of movement in combat, but is uncomfortable to sit in when troopers pilot vehicles. Future versions and upgrades f this body armor will undoubtedly include improvements in this respect.